Out of nowhere we decided to remodel our living room. We’re currently living in a basement apartment and needed a change. We’ve been feeling a bit “white trash” because we so much stuff and so little space. One of our window sills had water damage so we tore it out and the whole project has just spiraled out of control from there! We’ve pulled out moulding, mudded, sanded, primed and painted walls and the ceiling. We’ve stained new moulding and window sills. Brad added some new outlets and boxes in the wall so all our wires can be hidden behind our t.v. And we have so much more to do!
I am so excited with how it’s coming along though so I thought I’d give you a little preview. First, some before pictures. I’m totally embarassed posting these pictures. It’s so different now. Please, don’t mind the mess and clutter and don’t judge us!
This is out computer/ craft central, plus the entryway and part of the living room.

We recently bought the t.v. (Brad’s birthday/Christmas/Father’s Day - and any other holiday – gift for a few years!) Our entertainment center is obviously too small for it and it just looks horrible!

The new window sills. I LOVE them! My dad had the wood out in his shed and made them for us. Brad stained them and I think they are beautiful.

Measuring for the new moulding. Yeah, that cost a pretty penny… But we wanted the moulding to match the window sills… and it was SO worth it.

And a little hint at our colors. That wood isn’t our actual chair rail. It was a scrap from the windows and we tried staining it to make sure we liked the color.

I smile every time I look around the living room. Now we're going to have to live here for at least 6 more months so I can continue to enjoy it!
I’ll post some more pictures when we have a little more finished. It might be a while though… We have to save up for the moulding to frame the windows, a t.v. mount, wood to make some shelving, new blinds and I’d love to get a couch cover, some fabric to make some decorative pillows and decorate the walls a bit. I’m so excited!
And every time we turn around we get other ideas! Our bathroom is in desperate need of help and Brad wants to sand down and re-stain our kitchen cabinets… Not to mention our poor bedrooms… Hmmm… maybe it would be cheaper to just move!